Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Keeping Up with It

I having been staring at this screen for about 30 minutes and all I came up with was the title.  Now, do you know how hard it is to "Keep Up with it" for me.  It doesn't help that I have 4 small children, either.  Let me tell you about my day.

4:00-5:00am - The baby wakes up to nurse for about 30mins and she goes back to sleep and I try to catch a few winks in.  That doesn't last long because around 6:00/6:30 the others start coming in.  "Mommy I don't know what to wear for school.  Mommy I want something to eat.  Mommy Kaya is telling me what to do.  Mommy Nysa won't let me turn on the lights.  Mommy, Mommy, Mommy....  Through all this the baby wakes, but of course the husband is sound asleep. I give him a nudge (kick) because he needs to get up for work or I need to take it out on somebody. 

I start getting everyone ready for school and during that try to nurse the baby again.

7:50am - Put everyone in the car so I can take Kaya (#1) and Nysa (#2) to school.  Their school is 20mins away so I won't be back home until after 8:30.  That is when I fix breakfast for Rayna (#3) and Eyva (#4) and myself.

Around 9:30 Eyva gets tired and wants to sleep but she doesn't want to go to sleep.  I fight with her for 30mins or more before she falls asleep.  After that I might take a shower, or do the dishes from the night before.  At this time Rayna wants my attention.  "Mommy, mommy, mommy..."  I try to play with her or read a book or watch tv.  That doesn't last long because Eyva is up in less than an hour.  She is my hardest sleeper.

11:00 - 11:30am It is an early lunch and then nap time  .  Yes, I will be fighting with #4 again.  This time it will take longer.   That stresses me out and I have to play some nonthinking computer games.

I try to get something done before #4 wakes up hopefully she will sleep for 2 hours sometimes it is only an hour.  At 2:30pm I have to wake up #3 and we are off again get the girls from school.  When we get home it is snack and homework.  Then it is time to make dinner.  After dinner it is bath and bedtime.

There is not a lot of rest time in my day.  The other day I dozed off on the sofa while watching Sesame Street with #3.  She kept waking me up.  "Mommy don't close your eyes."

This is an easy day without errands or visiting with friends.  
This is a day when there are blocks of time when I can get a little bit done.
 This is the short version.  I didn't want to bore you with the details and there are a lot of details.
This is what happens when I needed to get the kitchen cleaned.

She looks so innocent doesn't she?

This is what I happens when I try to get the laundry done.

This is what happens when I try to put her down for a nap or for the night.

I decided to lower the crib, it only took her a week and she figured it out.  The only thing is she can't get herself back down.  Poor baby.  Every time I put her down she gets back up.   Sometimes I just wait until she tires herself out.  She is a big trouble maker.

It took me two days to write this post.  My goal is to start writing every week.  I limiting myself with computer games, facebook, and pinterest. 

1 comment:

Laura Holte said...

My heart goes out to you! Having a tough little sleeper is brutal. I'm thinking about ya and miss you. Feel free to call during a down time if you want a little venting session, or just some non-juicy gossip. It's really the only kind I have. :) Love ya, Laura